Benchmarking query capabilities for triple-stores


After some experiments with Benchmarking insert into triple stores, we decided to refocus on store queries because it is a widely used scenario for kTBS users.

The goal is to explore the capabilities of several triple stores for different query types.

The queries we used are taken from SP2Bench.



We first explored the different stores against the queries. Each store had one graph of 500 triples. Queries ran anywhere from 5 ms to 5000 s depending on the store and the query. Results here: query32000_full.ods or in bench_results/query32000_full.ods.

It’s a bar plot: each bar is query for a store (resulting in nb queries * nb store bars). The y-axis is the query time (real time). Tested stores are:

  • Virtuoso
  • 4store
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sleepycat
  • In-memory
  • Jena/Fuseki

Results also showed variation between runs. We decided to make more runs to have a good idea of the mean and look at the standard variation to see if the results were ok.

Changing perspective

We changed how we looked at results. We wanted to see the evolution of query times against the number of triples in one graph, or the number of graphs per store.

We also discarded some triple stores, see Discarding store in the benchmark.


Comments on f( number of graphs in one store ) = query time

We observe that all measures for 5 graph / store are greater than the other ones. This lead us to dismiss these points.

For 4store there are only measures for 1 graph / store. When trying to insert triples for 5 graphs / store in 4store, the computer started to swap and never finished. A decision was made to stop testing this store.

For Sleepycat, Postgres and Virtuoso, most of the query times seem to be constant with respect to the number of graph per store. Except for a few queries like q2 and q12a for Sleepycat and Postgres, and q2, q3b, q3c and q9 for Virtuoso.

We observe a weird behavior of Sleepycat and PostgreSQL on query 12a. This query is the same query as q5a, except q12a is a ASK and q5a is a SELECT. It turns out that q12a takes longer than q5a. This only appears on stores directly managed by RDFlib, which lead us to think that it’s a bug in how RDFlib handles some ASK queries.

q2 acces large strings (abstract of articles), which is a reason why it takes longer than the other queries.

Comments on f( number of triples in one graph ) = query time

We tested the query times as function of the number of triples in one graph in the stores: Sleepycat, PostgreSQL and Virtuoso.

The measures were:

  • 32000 triples
  • 256000 triples
  • 1000000 triples

For PostgreSQL, queries 2 and 12a were not done for 1m triples, as it would have taken too much time.

For Sleepycat, all queries were not done for 1m triples. I was unable to insert 1m triples in a Sleepycat store, running the insert for 1 day was not sufficient. Plus, the python process was at state sleeping. Another try at this should be done.

Queries for PostgreSQL are constant in times (except q2 and 12a). It seems to be the same thing for Sleepycat, but we don’t have points for 1m triples. Both PostgreSQL and Sleepycat queries (except q2 and q12a) are in the range 10-100 ms, which is acceptable.

Almost all Virtuoso queries are in the range 10-5000 ms. There are greater variation between queries than with PostgreSQL and Sleepycat. Further more, we don’t have a clear understanding of a how the queries behave. We see that most queries takes more time when running on a 256k triples graph than on a 32k triples graph. But most queries takes approximately the same time, or even less time, when performing on 1m triples than on 256k triples graph.

This tests should be run another time for more accurate and understandable results. Additional points should be measured (64k, 128k, 512k, 700k triples / store).

Discarding queries

In order for the benchmarks to take less time, we removed some queries that took a lot of time (q2, and q12a).

The queries left are: query all, q1, q3abc, q4, q5ab, q6, q7, q8, q9, q10, q11, q12c.


Our goal was to simulate multiple user using kTBS by doing queries at the same time. The benchmarks we did so far didn’t test that.

We decided to use fork to make multiple parallel queries.

We first tried to do a fork around graph.query() call, but this failed for Sleepycat as the open() call was done by the parent process only once (see info on error in the Sleepycat memory error).

Therefore, we put the fork around; graph.query(); graph.close() to make it work with Sleepycat.

We benchmarked this against Sleepycat for this configuration. Each open/query/close query took around 1 s. But the open/close was taking the whole time (~ 1 s for open/close and 0.01 s per query). The benchmarks were not relevant, we were really benchmarking the open/close and not what we were interested in: the query.

To overcome this problem, we put together a lot of queries inside an open/close. It looked like this cocktail:

  • fork starts
    • store open()
      • Doing 50 times this:
        • query all, q1, q3abc, q4, q5ab, q6, q7, q8, q9, q10, q11, q12c
    • store close()
  • fork stops

Each fork took around 10 s (1 s for open/close and 9 s for the queries). This time we were really benchmarking the queries rather than the open/close.

Result figure

The figure that compares parallel queries (forks) vs. sequential queries is here.

On the x-axis is the number of queries in parallel (for forks, in green) and the number of sequential queries (in blue). On the y-axis is the time taken to run the cocktail of queries (see above).

We see that for a number of queries greater than or equal to 2, it is more efficient to do parallel queries. There is a two-fold factor between sequential queries and parallel queries.

Furthermore we see that there is only a tiny time difference between 1 fork and 2 forks, meaning that parallel queries really is best.