Load RDF files in triple stores

How to load rdf files into triple stores?


Using the isql command line interface. Then:

DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML_MT (file_to_string_output ('mydata.rdf'), '', 'http://graph_uri');

Note: the virtuoso server must be run in a location parent to the directory containing mydata.rdf.


Use the cli s-put as:

s-put {data_store uri} {graph_uri} {data_file}


Use the cli 4s-import as:

4s-import {dataset_name} --model {graph_uri} {data_file}

Note: the http backend (4s-http) must not run at the same time.

Other stores (SQLAlchemy, etc.)

Use graph.parse() from RDFLib.

Note: this doesn’t seem to work for Virtuoso.